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Why Cindy Crawford is smart to let her daughter model

OPINION: She's still encouraged to be a kid



She’s as gorgeous as her supermodel mum, has more than a million followers on Instagram and has worked with some of the best photographers on the globe. But Cindy Crawford’s daughter Kaia Gerber is still only 15 and many think that’s far too young to model.

In fact Kaia has been modelling since she was 13 when IMG approached Cindy and her husband Rande Gerber to sign both their kids. Son Presley, now 17, models as well.

This week Kaia revealed she doesn’t like being photographed with her mum because she’s so beautiful. ‘I don’t every want to be in a photo next to her because she’s incredible. She doesn’t age, which is not fair.’

Lucky Cindy … and lucky Kaia, I say. Because while Kaia’s comments have prompted a fresh round of criticism it seems pretty clear that Cindy made a great decision when she allowed Kaia to start modelling.


For a start, she knows the industry so can guide her daughter in a way that other parents aren’t able. She also knows about handling agents so will have set firm guidelines about when and on what campaigns her kids can and can’t work.

By saying yes she’s also won Kaia’s respect and trust. The family seems extremely close and it’s likely Kaia will be able to turn to her mum if she’s unsure or uncertain.

While Cindy modelled through the 80s and 90s she’s still working so understands the new role social media plays in establishing a career. Certainly looking at Kaia’s Instagram it’s clear she enjoys a happy, normal, playful life outside her modelling gigs.

Fellow supermodel Carolyn Murphy once said she would not let her daughter, Dylan Blue, model at such a young age. Two years ago she said her then 14-year-old daughter had been approached but that she was “too young”.


‘When she has something more that she can stand for or speak about, then it would make sense for her,’ said Carolyn.

But do models really have to stand for anything?

Kaia Gerber is learning a trade. She’s learning skills like being punctual, well-rested and professional. She’s learning to work with adults and to be part of a team and to protect and guide her own image. She’s learning what it’s like to earn money and how to be smart with it. She’s seeing different parts of the country and having to balance modelling with school work. In short, she’s learning to be responsible, confident and flexible. What’s more, her mum has said school work comes first.

(Credit: Instagram)

When it’s obvious that a child has a talent for something – and Kaia clearly has the looks and the ability to move – aren’t we better to foster their interest and guide them rather than block their dreams?

Earlier this month Cindy, 51, said she felt concerned her daughter would feel pressure to achieve the same levels of success as she enjoyed.

‘If you have a successful parent and you go into the same business but you’re not successful then what?’

While some will see this as reason enough to stand in Kaia’s way, it’s evidence that the family has discussed all aspects of this decision. Kaia has a strong and close-knit family. Her modelling will be something she enjoys and learns from. If it doesn’t work out or she later decides there’s something else she’d rather do, then her family will clearly back her all the way.


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