Nelba Marquez-Greene knows what it is like to lose the child you love.
Her daughter Ana was one of the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook massacre so upon learning of the latest massacre the heartbroken mother has written to the loved ones of the victims.
‘I am so, so sorry. I am sorry that our tragedy here in Sandy Hook wasn’t enough to save your loved ones,’ she wrote on her daughter’s remembrance page.
Nelba describes how she wanted to curl up “in the fetal position” after hearing about the Orlando shooting but instead she wrote a 4,500-word message on what lies ahead for the stricken families.
‘Don’t you dare listen to even ONE person who may insinuate that somehow this is your loved one’s fault because they were gay or any other reason. Nor is it God’s wrath.
‘You will receive love from a million places,’ she continued. ‘Embrace it. Take good care of yourself. This will be a forever journey. Some ugly will come your way too. Delete. Ignore. Let it go.’
Nelba says she will teach her son Isaiah about those that died in Orlando. ‘We will not forget. We will say their names out loud. We will remember your children. As you remembered and learned about ours.’