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Single dad tells of police empathy towards his autistic daughter

Police deliver Dory lunchbox to the girl after she has a meltdown in a store

Single dad Robert Davies is used to his autistic daughter Cerys Lily having meltdowns so when the eight-year-old lost it in a store he carried her to the car to help her regain control.


Cerys Lily had spotted a Dory lunchbox on display in the store but when a shop assistant said it was not yet for sale she lost control.

Robert, who is a full-time carer for his daughter, carried her to the car but an anonymous passer-by alarmed by him putting his daughter in the car against her will called the police.

When the police arrived at his door he explained what had happened and the police officers left, after showing Cerys Lily their blue lights and sirens.

(Credit: Robert Davies)

But the next day the policemen returned to Robert’s home in Wales with a gift – the Dory lunchbox.

Robert, who wrote about the episode on Facebook, said: ‘When I opened the door the policeman was standing there and then pulled out the lunchbox from behind his back. It was really quite overwhelming.’

He wrote: ‘I didn’t get to thank them properly … there really is some good people out there.’

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