Lately, the near-death experience (NDE) has captured my imagination.
I must have read at least 50 books by people who’ve travelled to the edge of death and returned to tell their stories.
Almost always, the experiencer is utterly transformed by what they have gone through – the after-effects of an NDE are profound and permanent.
The NDE features certain characteristics: it happens to someone who is close to death or in physical/emotional distress and involves, broadly speaking, the spirit/soul-lifting out of the body (often witnessing doctors’ frantic efforts to revive their lifeless form below), then it travels through what’s typically a tunnel towards a light that pulses with a sense of love, peace and bliss so unimaginably wonderful, those who have experienced it say there’s no language to describe it.
Once near, or in, that light, the experiencer may be reunited with loved ones who’ve passed, meet with a spiritual being, and understand – in a flash – all the secrets of the universe. Sometimes, they are then given a choice to stay or return to their body.
Usually, the decider is love: the thought of a child, parent or other loved one who’ll suffer if they remain in the light is what tends to draw the experiencer back.
This is what happened to Marilyn, my guest on this week’s episode of The Ghost Files podcast. During a miscarriage, the young mum floated up and out of her body toward a “beckoning” golden light. “It just felt so calming,” she told me. “Then, I remember seeing my husband’s face, his look of distress. That’s when I said to myself, ‘You’ve got to start breathing!’”