
The Ghost Files: Deep bonds of love

There's something not so ordinary about Ben!
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Karina Machado is a journalist, host of the Spirit Sisters podcast and the author of Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies, a non-fiction series exploring the extraordinary experiences of ordinary people. Now, on The Ghost Files podcast each week, Karina will introduce a guest who’ll share their personal encounter with the spirit world.


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I knew I had to introduce Ben Carn to listeners of The Ghost Files podcast, though not because his is a knock-your-socks-off ghost story.

It’s the gentleness of Ben’s experiences – the deep love and grief he’s lived – that moved me.

Softly spoken Ben, 27, lives a quiet and seemingly ordinary life with his partner and their sweet 2-year-old son at their home in Rankins Springs, NSW.


But there’s something that’s not so ordinary about Ben: he can hear the voices of the dead bringing messages and guidance. Sometimes, he even receives premonitions.

On June 11, 2018, Ben’s mum, Lisa, died of brain cancer, aged only 51. Ben was devoted to his mum, who passed not long after his beloved grandmother.

“I call it the year I lost my heroes,” he reflects. And yet, two years before his mother’s passing, Ben had seen it unfold in an enigmatic dream.

“I dreamt I was in a building I didn’t recognise and walked into a dimly lit room,” he recalls. “I could hear pouring rain outside and could see a hospital bed and someone in it beneath a white sheet. I couldn’t see who it was.”


Ben awoke with an ominous feeling about his mother’s health, and rushed to be by her side. Sadly, it all eventually played out exactly as he’d seen it.

Tune into The Ghost Files podcast to hear the rest of Ben’s touching story, which honours his mum at every turn.

Take, for instance, her joy at finding out Ben was going to be a father to son Elijah “She looked at me with nothing but love in her eyes and told me, ‘Mate, I’ve told you your whole life, you have the whole world at your feet,’” he remembers.

“Now I know what it’s like to hold the universe in your arms.”


You can listen to Ben’s full story on The Ghost Files podcast.

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