
WHAT’S ON: NAIDOC Week 2024 events roundup

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National NAIDOC Week is almost here and the celebrations have already begun!


Throughout the first week of July each year (this year NAIDOC Week is happening from July 7 to July 14), an array of events, activities, and celebrations are held in various cities across Australia.

From talks, festivals, movie screenings, hands-on activities, discos, and concerts, there is no shortage of ways to celebrate your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities.

The events occur mostly throughout the designated week, however, some events will begin before the week starts and remain available for many days following.

Below we have gathered a list of the best NAIDOC Week events happening in 2024… There really is something for everyone!

housands of people take to the streets in the annual NAIDOC march on July 05, 2019 in Melbourne.
The NAIDOC Week march in Melbourne in 2019. (Credit: Getty)

What is NAIDOC Week and why is it celebrated?

NAIDOC Week is an annual event that takes place every July and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is celebrated to give all Australians the opportunity to learn about First Nations cultures and histories. It gives everyone the opportunity to participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth and offers you the ability to support your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities.

What do the letters for NAIDOC Week stand for?

NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. According to the NAIDOC website, “Its origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920s ′s which sought to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.”

You can learn about its full history here.


Keep scrolling for a state-by-state breakdown of the NAIDOC Week events happening in 2024…

Koomurri Dance Group members pose for photos during a NAIDOC Week event with the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background.
NAIDOC Week in Syndey. (Credit: Getty)

NAIDOC Week 2024 Events

New South Wales NAIDOC Week Events 2024

 A group of young kids take part in the NAIDOC March in Melbourne.
NAIDOC Week in Melbourne. (Credit: Getty)

Victoria NAIDOC Week Events 2024

Local children perform traditional dance during the Australian Olympic Committee NAIDOC Week visit.
NAIDOC Week in Queensland. (Credit: Getty)

Queensland NAIDOC Week Events 2024

aboriginal flag.
NAIDOC Week in South Australia. (Credit: Getty)

South Australia NAIDOC Week Events 2024

Players change gifts for the start of NAIDOC week during an AFL match.
NAIDOC Week in Perth. (Credit: Getty)

Western Australia NAIDOC Week Events 2024

Scenes at the 2019 National NAIDOC Awards in Canberra.
NAIDOC Week in Canberra. (Credit: Getty)

Australian Capital Territory NAIDOC Week Events 2024

Northern Territory NAIDOC Week Events 2024

For a complete list of all the NAIDOC Week events happening across the country, click here.


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