
How Long Does Rice Last in the Fridge? (Does it Go Off?)

How long can you freeze or refrigerate rice?
White rice is a pantry staple which lasts an incredibly long time at room temperature when uncooked, but cooked rice has an expiry date. Cooked rice can be stored in both the refrigerator or the freezer to extend it’s shelf-life.After it has been boiled, put in a rice-cooker or microwaved, the rice is safe to eat for a certain amount of time if kept at the right temperature.

How long does cooked rice last in the fridge?


Cooked rice can generally be stored in in the refrigerator for between 4-6 days.

In order to maximise shelf-life and keep it free from airborne bacteria, cooked rice should be properly stored in an airtight container or in a resealable plastic bag.

Rice should be packed away and stored in a refrigerator within two hours of it being cooked.

The time period of 4-6 days rings true for many varieties of rice, including long, short and medium grain.

(Credit: Getty)
How long does cooked rice last in the freezer?Cooked rice lasts far longer in the freezer than the fridge.On average, if uncooked rice is stored in a covered, airtight container or freezer bag, it will maintain best quality for up to six months in the freezer.Cooked rice is safe in the freezer beyond six months but this time period is best for consumption.If cooked rice is stored properly in the freezer at an average temperature of -17°C, it will last for an indefinite amount of time.
(Credit: Getty)
How long can cooked rice sit out for?After being cooked, white rice should not sit out at room temperate for more than two hours. Bacteria thrives at a temperature between 4°C  and 60°C, so if the cooked rice has been sitting out of a refrigerator for more than a couple of hours you should throw it away.
(Credit: Getty)
How can you tell if cooked rice has spoiled?It is not a good idea to reheat and cool cooked rice too many times, as this presents a perfect environment for bacteria to grow. Your cooked rice might be spoiled if it has an unpleasant smell. An off smell is a clear sign the food is spoiled and you should discard it immediately. Another clue rice is spoiled is if the grains are hard and dry. Leftover rice that is crunchy or dry when reheated should not be consumed. Eating spoiled rice can cause food poisoning, so it is a good idea to throw out any rice which does not smell right.

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