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Chemical-free cleaning hacks

Get your house spotless using natural products from your pantry

Wooden cutting boards

Sprinkle coarse salt over the board and rub a lemon that has been cut in half over the surface, lightly squeezing the lemon to release the juice as you go. Let it sit for five minutes and then rinse with a clean sponge.


Burnt pots and pans

Heat one cup of water and one cup of vinegar in the pot or pan on the stove. Once it is boiling, put it in the sink and add two tablespoons of baking soda. When the mixture has finished fizzing, tip it out and scrub with a scouring sponge.

Smelly carpet

Get your carpet and rugs smelling fresh by mixing a few drops of your favourite essential oil with baking soda. Sprinkle the mixture over your carpet, leave for 30 minutes and then vacuum it up. You can also try this on your pet’s bed!

Grimy tub and sink

If you have a ceramic bathtub and sink, you can get them sparkling clean by scrubbing them with baking soda mixed with some drops of your favourite essential oil to give your bathroom a natural sweet scent.

Dirty toilet

Pour a quarter of a cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar into the toilet bowl. Once the mixture has finished fizzing, scrub away the grime with a toilet brush and leave for five minutes before flushing.

cleaning hack

Natural air freshener

If you’re worried about spraying your house with chemicals, try mixing 15-20 drops of your favourite essential oil with one teaspoon of baking soda and two cups of water. Pour it into a spray bottle to use around the house.

Stained silver

Line a container with aluminium foil with the shiny side up. Put your silver in the container, making sure each piece is touching the foil, and then add enough boiling water and baking soda (roughly two tablespoons per litre) so that the silver is fully submerged. Watch the silver fizz until the tarnish has been lifted. Wait for it to cool and then remove the silver, giving it a quick polish with a cloth.

Grubby microwave

Clean your microwave using just vinegar and lemon! Pour one cup of water and one tablespoon of vinegar into a microwave-safe bowl. Squeeze in some lemon juice and then microwave the bowl on high for three minutes. Leave the door shut for another five minutes to let the steam loosen the grime. Carefully remove the bowl and turntable tray to clean (they may still be hot) and wipe the insides of the microwave down with a wet cloth.


Sticky scissors

Washing your dirty scissors with water may just lead to rust where the fastener holds the blades together. Instead, dip a rag or cloth in some vinegar and wipe the blades down. Dry them with a clean tea towel.

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