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MAFS’ Bryce FINALLY responds to gaslighting claims

And his answer will shock absolutely no one.
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Every season of Married At First Sight has someone who the public labels the “villain”. This year, it is outspoken radio announcer Bryce Ruthven.


But Bryce’s behaviour on the show has garnered him an additional title… “gaslighter”. 

And the media personality has finally responded to his new name.

WATCH: Matty J imitates Bryce at the explosive MAFS Commitment Ceremony

This season, Married At First Sight fans have watched in horror at Bryce’s actions, claiming he is exhibiting signs of “gaslighting”, i.e. emotionally manipulating someone to the point where they question their own sanity. 


Viewers have been so enraged with the radio announcer’s treatment of Melissa that they have even started a petition in an attempt to get Channel Nine to issue an apology over failing to perform a “duty of care”. 

“There is a clear failure of duty of care to Melissa during filming of the show, allowing her to remain in a toxic and dangerous environment with her partner for the “benefit” of the network,” the petition stated.

We’re unpacking all the relationship, sex and dating woes of this season’s Married At First Sight stars in our juicy new podcast, Love In Reality. Listen, like and subscribe below!

“She is being subject to gaslighting, emotional manipulation, isolation, and countless other textbook signs of a controlling and or abusive relationship.”

New Idea has reached out to Channel Nine for comment.

Now, the controversial radio announcer has finally responded to all of the backlash.

Bryce MAFS
Bryce has responded to claims he is gaslighting Melissa. (Credit: Channel Nine)

After The Wash ran into Bryce at an airport with his wife Melissa, the publication asked the MAFS star about his portrayal on the show, particularly the claims that he is exhibiting gaslighting behaviour.

“I didn’t know what it was, I had to Google it.” Bryce revealed.

He then went on to say that the public can decide what’s true for themselves. “The edit is definitely part of me, good parts and bad parts. I think everyone else can work that out.” 

Bryce MAFS
During their honeymoon, Bryce placed Melissa fourth in terms of which of the brides he was most attracted to. (Credit: Channel Nine)

Standing by his side during it all was his on-screen wife Melissa, who also gave her thoughts on her husband’s portrayal.

“I know the real Bryce, what everyone is seeing is a great edit – I’ll say that,” Melissa revealed.

Despite her unwavering loyalty to her husband, earlier in the month, the workplace trainer confessed to New Idea that Bryce’s comments still trigger her. 

MAFS Bryce Melissa
All the proof suggests Melissa and Bryce are still together. (Credit: Channel Nine)

Remember when Bryce told Melissa she wasn’t his type, that he prefers blue eyes and when he placed her fourth when asked to rank the brides in terms of how attracted he was to them?

It turns out that watching those moments back has been a tough pill for Melissa to swallow. Funny that.

“It is hard to watch back. I get very triggered,” the 31-year-old admitted to us, adding she “cringes” at herself as well.

And yet all the proof suggests that Melissa and Bryce have still made it work outside of the experiment.


We guess we’ll have to wait and see. But, one things for certain, we’ll be watching through the gaps in our fingers.

For a much easier road to love, with no gaslighting, sign up for ehamony. 

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