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WATCH: Mum welcomes first set of quadruplets in New Zealand in 20 YEARS

The photos that will make your heart melt.
quadsCassandra English/Hazel & Cass

To get a 12-week old to nap is something most new mum’s struggle with so imagine getting four bubs to sleep and managing to photograph them doing it!


It’s something newborn photographer Cassandra English can add to her list of accomplishments after her shoot with these cute Kiwi quads.

(Credit: Cassandra English/Hazel & Cass)

The bubs, Quinn, Indie, Hudson and Molly, New Zealand’s first quadruplets in two decades, were photographed during a mammoth seven and a half hour session.

“There were 13 nappy changes, nine bottles, numerous burps and farts (I lost count), and I


only managed to only get vomited on twice,” Cassandra laughs.

The quads were born on August 15 to Kendall and Joshua MacDonald who already have three-year old Brooklyn.

hazel and cass
(Credit: Cassandra English/Hazel & Cass)

The proud big brother was included in the shoot with his arms full of his siblings.


Photos also include stills of the quads surrounded with flowers and in woollen bonnets and a video shows how Cassandra’s team of four assistants and three baby shushers worked to keep their tiny charges happy throughout the shoot.

“The MacDonald babies may be the only set of quads I’ll ever get to meet in my career, so it really was an incredible experience,” Cassandra says.

Watch below (video credit: Emma Smart Creative)

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